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Maui, Molokaʻi and Lānaʻi

Member Offers

HVCB Members, Submit Your Kamaʻāina Special Offers Now!

Ads may be updated quarterly. Blackout dates are permitted. The Kama‘āina Special Offers program is a benefit of your HVCB membership. There is no cost to participate.

This opportunity is available to legally operating, licensed businesses in the state of Hawai‘i. You must be an HVCB member to participate. Participants are responsible for the accuracy and fulfillment of their promotions for the duration of the designated dates of the program.

FREE Gift with Purchase!

Get a FREE 5-pack of Single Serve Instant Kona & Hawaiian Coffees ($16 value) when you spend $90+ on your order.

Enjoy this tasty coffee on the go, outdoors, or when just wanting to try a little something different.

Just add hot water!
Bags are fully compostable.
HVCB-39676 SW-Maui

Maui, Moloka‘i and Lāna‘i Official Visitors’ Guide  –  VIEW HERE

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